
North America’s most award-winning Bluetooth mesh solutions provider has a range of control platforms, from the most simple and cost-effective for basic retrofit projects to the most advanced for enterprise applications.

Technology & Capability PacWave Classic PacWave BLE Wireless Mesh
Casambi Mesh TruBlu Mesh
Networked lighting control X X
Remotely configurable X X X
Code-compliant lighting control X X X X
Bluetooth Low Energy radio layer X X X
Bluetooth mesh communication layer X
Proprietary mesh communication layer X
Interoperable within ecosystem X X
Interoperable beyond ecosystem X
Basic lighting control strategies (i.e., occ sensing, dimming, daylighting, manual override) X X X X
Advanced lighting control strategies (i.e., scheduling, scenes, zone control) X X
*Beyond-lighting capabilities (i.e., energy monitoring/reporting, demand response, occupancy mapping/monitoring) X X
*see solution descriptions for specific information